Como Soltar el rele de arranque

Cuando se pega el rele de arranque, como lo soltamos.
When the starter relay is stuck, as we let go.

I get home and I remove the contact to the motorcycle and at that moment the starter starts working.

Well, the contacts of the starting relay have been stuck
Si te ha pasado y no sabes de que se trata, te quedas fastidiado pensando que has roto la moto.O por lo menos eso me paso a mi.
If it has happened to you and you do not know what it is, you get annoyed thinking that you have broken the bike. Or at least that happened to me. 
llego a casa y le quito el contacto a la moto y en ese momento el motor de arranque empieza a funcionar.

I get home and I remove the contact to the motorcycle and at that moment the starter starts working.

¿Que ha pasado?
What happened?
Pues que se han pegado los contactos del rele de arranque
Well, the contacts of the starting relay have been stuck
En la esquina inferior derecha podéis ver el rele de arranque
In the lower right corner you can see the starting relay

la forma de solucionarlo es muy sencilla.
hay que dar un golpe aqui.
the way to solve it is very simple.
we have to hit here

Espero que os sea de utilidad
I hope you find it useful